De 28 a 30 de abril de 2015 acontecerá o “Mental health for all: connecting people and sharing experience”, em Lille, França. Os valores das inscrições, até o dia 15 de janeiro, estão entre 360 a 385 Euros, tendo também preços mais acessíveis para alunos de graduação e pós-graduação. O Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Atenção Primaria à Saúde está se responsabilizando em organizar uma lista de interessados para a inscrição do seminário. Dependendo do número de inscritos, é possível negociar e reduzir os custos das inscrições.
Envie um e-mail para o para ter seu nome na lista. Envie nome, telefone e e-mail.
Site do Congresso:
Host Organising Committee
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are honoured and privileged to invite you to join us at our conference ‘Mental health for all: connecting people and sharing experience’ which takes place at the Grand Palais in Lille, France from Tuesday 28th April 2015 to Thursday 30th April 2015.
This conference, a collaboration between the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), one of the oldest mental health advocacy organisations in the world, the Congrès de Psychiatrie et de Neurologie de Langue Français (CPNLF), many other stakeholders with an interest in mental health.
The main conference objectives are:
- To support an integrated approach to mental health globally.
- To support joint working across primary, secondary, tertiary and social care.
- To support the upskilling of the primary care workforce.
- To support dialogue and training between primary care and secondary care teams.
- To promote public awareness of mental health including anti-stigma interventions that promote social inclusion.
- To support and advocate for mental and physical health parity of care for mental health service users.
- To engage policy makers and support them in understanding their roles in mental health delivery.
- To support and promote mental health innovations and service re-design.
- To promote holistic care and the management of co-morbidity.
- To support the implementation of the Global Mental Health Action Plan.
This conference provides an opportunity for those of us interested in promoting mental health for all to come together with like-minded individuals from across the globe to share ideas and experience – please join us!
Professor Gabriel Ivbijaro
MBE. President Elect, World Federation for Mental Health. Joint Chair of the Host Organising Committee.
Professor Pierre Thomas
Head of Psychiatry, CHRU Lille. Joint Chair of the Host Organising Committee.
Scientific Committee
The International Mental Health Congress (IMHC) will take place 28th-30th April 2015 in Lille, France at the Lille Grand Palais Conference Center. The IMHC will focus on “Mental Health for All: Connecting People and Sharing Experience”. The agenda will include the status of cutting edge research in the field of holistic care for patients with mental health conditions.
For this meeting, plenary speakers will share their views on promoting public awareness of mental health including anti-stigma interventions, advocacy for mental and physical health parity of care for mental health service users, and implementation of the Global Mental Health Action Plan.
In addition, we encourage submission of proposals for panel sessions as well as oral and poster presentations that focus on working across primary, secondary, tertiary and social care settings, particularly those describing care teams and policy makers understanding their roles in the delievery of mental health services. We welcome innovative work that looks at specific obstacles as well as opportunities.
Working together, we are poised to succeed in promoting mental health innovations, service re-design and the improvement of the treatment we can offer to our patients, so that they can enjoy more meaningful lives. We hope to engage you in discussion of how we can support such an integrated approach to mental health throughout the world.
Professor Renaud Jardri
Joint Chair of the Scientific Committee
Professor Jeffrey Geller
Joint Chair of the Scientific Committee